Tina Peterson

Candidates for 2021-2022 LSCCF Board of Directors

There are nine candidates for the Board this year: six who have served in previous years and three newcomers. The following individuals are standing for reelection: Robin Barley (also standing for Vice President) Tim Makepeace Michael Marine (also standing for...

Agenda for Annual Membership Meeting at the Wells School 8/21/21

2021 Annual Meeting Agenda                                                                                                                 Welcome and introduction of the attending directors Approval of the 2020 Annual Meeting minutes President’s report Presentation...

Gentle Reminder About Fire Safety

At the request of a member of the Wells Select Board, the LSCCF would ask all members of the community to be extra careful about fire safety this summer season. As many of you know, Vermont is still in a rain deficit, which means fire conditions can turn critical very...